Saturday, December 8, 2012

Stories of Texting While Driving: Paige

In June 2010 Nash was sending out a text when she crashed her PT Cruiser in Ellis County. It burst into flames and she was trapped inside. By the time rescuers got her out 70 percent of her body was covered with third and fourth degree burns.

"I hit them right where it hurts, right when I start out I hit them with the video," she said. "The crowd will hear the rescuers trying and struggling to save my life and I'm screaming."

Two years and 29 surgeries later, the mother of two takes full responsibility for what happened, sharing her painful recovery.

"My back is scarred in the shape of a heart and everyone just…. uh," she said. "If I can stop these kids from dying, if I can save one life then it's all worth it."

Despite the emotional and still lingering physical pain, Nash is determined to move on. These days she's even back behind the wheel.

"It's wonderful. The independence is wonderful," she said.

Nash has no idea how many surgeries she has left. But she keeps her sense of humor, even about the four toes she lost.

"I get my toes done and believe it I get 40 percent off too," she laughed.

She hopes the shock value of her story about the day she almost died to send a text will save someone's life.

"I keep that in my mind, that there's a bigger purpose here," she said. "The only thing you do behind the care is drive. That's the only thing you should be doing."

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